The Book Interrupted women, and their fan Lindsay, continue their discussion on “The 4% Fix: How One Hour Can Change Your Life” by Karma Brown. Which sleep archetype are you: Lion, Bear, Wolf or Dolphin? What is misophonia? And how do you use the tools from the book?
Discussion Points:
Mentioned on this episode of Book Interrupted:
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Book Interrupted Facebook Book Club Group
The 4% Fix: How One Hour Can Change Your Life by Karma Brown
The Book Interrupted women, and their fan Lindsay, begin their first conversation on their Series 8 and second fan book choice: “The 4% Fix:...
Did the women finish reading “Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind” by Yuval Noah Harari? They wrap up their discussion on the book and...
The Book Interrupted women and Virginia continue the group discussion about “The Midnight Library” by Matt Haig. They discuss kindness & relationships, whether suicide...