Off The Shelf Episode 11 - Tarot Card Readings

Episode 11 April 24, 2023 00:30:48
Off The Shelf Episode 11 - Tarot Card Readings
Book Interrupted
Off The Shelf Episode 11 - Tarot Card Readings

Apr 24 2023 | 00:30:48


Show Notes

The following episode of Book Interrupted is Off The Shelf. Hold on to your bookmarks! During this episode the Book Interrupted members get a tarot card reading by Kim. Listen as Kim explains the interpretations associated with the cards picked and the Greek mythology behind them.  The cards reveal love, shame, money, celebration and sacrifice.

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[00:00:00] Speaker A: Book Interrupted Chronicles captures some of our favorite and funniest moments together from before we were all in the club. If you would like to know who felt clothing was optional at the theme park or which member flipped the script on her birthday surprise, go to unpublished to start your free trial. To unpublished, where our Chronicles and Inklings live. Trust us, you won't regret it. [00:00:23] Speaker B: Parental guidance is recommend ended. Because this episode has mature topics and strong language, here are some moments you can look forward to during this episode of Book Interrupted. [00:00:33] Speaker C: Going to pull tarot cards and Kim's going to interpret them for us. [00:00:38] Speaker D: You don't have to be ashamed. I guess whatever you've done. [00:00:41] Speaker E: Yeah, my word was going to be ashamed, so that's perfect. [00:00:44] Speaker D: Whoa. A card just flew out. [00:00:47] Speaker F: I'll take that one. [00:00:48] Speaker D: That's your card? [00:00:48] Speaker G: That's my card. [00:00:49] Speaker F: Yes. [00:00:50] Speaker G: You're going to be so excited. Thanks. I'm glad I told you to pick a card. I almost killed my money plant. [00:00:58] Speaker D: That was foreshadowing. [00:00:59] Speaker E: That makes me just feel sad. But I think you're doing a really. [00:01:01] Speaker D: Good job questioning, like, what am I doing hanging around here every day getting my liver eaten out? [00:01:10] Speaker G: You ready, guys? [00:01:11] Speaker D: Let's do this. [00:01:16] Speaker G: Express yourself. Share the wealth. Hold on to your bookmark. We're off the shelf. Express yourself. It's good for your health. Book Interrupted is off the shelf. [00:01:34] Speaker B: Welcome to Book Interrupted, a book club for busy people to connect and one that celebrates life's interruptions. [00:01:41] Speaker E: This episode of Book Interrupted is off the shelf. Hold on to your BOOKMARKS. [00:01:47] Speaker C: Welcome to this off the shelf episode where we are going to pull tarot cards and Kim's going to interpret them for us. [00:01:56] Speaker D: Do you want to go first? [00:01:58] Speaker H: Always. [00:01:59] Speaker G: Yeah. [00:02:00] Speaker D: Okay, so think about why you want one so bad. [00:02:04] Speaker E: Because I love it when you do. [00:02:06] Speaker D: This, but it's something happening for you where you're like, I really need yeah, I could say spiritual message. [00:02:14] Speaker G: Okay, good. [00:02:14] Speaker D: So think about that. I'm not telling you to reveal it to the world unless you want to, but think about that while I shuffle and then when you feel comfortable or when you feel like it's time anyways, maybe when you feel uncomfortable, that might be the best time. Tell me to stop and I'll reveal the card that we stopped on, which will be your card. That's how we'll pick because we're obviously virtual. So you can't reach out and actually pick a card. [00:02:38] Speaker E: Okay, I'm ready to stop now. [00:02:41] Speaker D: Your card. And this was upside down. Oh, always is the five of pentacles. So the pentacles story is about Daedalus, and he makes stuff. And in the very beginning, he makes some things. He's super proud of himself and it's great. And then in the four, his nephew comes along and his nephew can also make things. And instead of being like, awesome, now we can use each other to fuel each other and motivate. There's some challenge or whatever, he gets all freaked out and holds on to all his money and is like competition, I'm done, or something. And so in the five of pentacles, I believe he's killed his nephew and is like sneaking away. That's why he looks like this. That's what's going on. [00:03:24] Speaker G: He's like, I hope nobody knows that it was me. [00:03:28] Speaker H: For the people on the podcast that. [00:03:30] Speaker G: Are just listening, he's like wearing a. [00:03:31] Speaker H: Cloak and it's nighttime. He's like sneaking away in the night because he's mostly covered up. [00:03:36] Speaker F: He's trying not to get caught. [00:03:38] Speaker D: He looks like that, right? [00:03:39] Speaker G: Yeah. [00:03:40] Speaker H: Okay. [00:03:41] Speaker G: It's the five. [00:03:42] Speaker D: So usually when we're talking about numbers, the five is the middle. But in the middle, that's when the chaos happens. Most of the fives of all of the suits are kind of, I guess maybe even the climax of the story and then kind of the catalyst for change. [00:03:59] Speaker H: The conflict appears. That's the peak turn, the plot kind. [00:04:03] Speaker D: Of like the peak in action, I guess, because stuff still happens, like in the six and the seven and stuff. And at the very end, it's kind of a climax too, because usually it's the completion of a cycle and then a new cycle begins. So that can also be viewed as like a middle, you know what I mean? Because it's right in between a beginning and an end. But anyways, pentacles represent your tangible things like your work, your money, your house, your stuff, right? Whereas cups, which is the other feminine suit that's more about intangible stuff, like relationships and emotions and communication. So the other thing that pentacles can mean, though, is your self worth. That's one part where it kind of crosses over between the tangible and intangible. It's all feminine energy. And it was upside down, too. And upside down sometimes just means that the message of the card is more challenging or there's more delays in the way of whatever the moral of the story is. Or it could mean you need to turn this card around so that it's upright, like it's like advice to you, but you're not quite there yet, so turn the card around. So it's like a true instead of an upside down. So I guess one thing that I want to say is it's like he faced his fear. He may not have faced his fear in the most approved way because he eliminated it. [00:05:19] Speaker G: Yeah, maybe try not killing next time. [00:05:23] Speaker D: Because it's the five. He's on his way to the like, in the end, he's good. He's like stable and has all these pentacles and going through this even if it's not literally, obviously murder like in the story. It's Greek mythology, right? A mythic Tarot deck. So it's going to be dramatic like that. Right. But I think that the point is that he faced his fear even if it was in a way that isn't the best way, but he did it nonetheless. And now he can get past it, and he moves on to be successful. I would say for you, I don't know if there was a situation that you feel like you may be mishandled. I feel like the Tarot for this is saying, whatever, you handled it anyway, and so it's okay to continue to move forward and grow. It's okay for you to leave. Perfect. [00:06:08] Speaker G: Oh, great. Right. [00:06:10] Speaker D: Like, whatever that judgment is of yourself, because that's like that self worth piece. And so I feel like there's a stickiness there. [00:06:16] Speaker G: Right. [00:06:16] Speaker D: Because I'm still obsessing about how I handled that, whether it was right or wrong or whatever. [00:06:21] Speaker E: Like how I got there. [00:06:22] Speaker G: Yeah. [00:06:23] Speaker E: What even led me to this, that really rings true. [00:06:26] Speaker D: Okay, good. Whatever led me to that, whatever. [00:06:29] Speaker H: Yeah. [00:06:30] Speaker E: It's over now. You can move forward. [00:06:32] Speaker H: Yes. [00:06:32] Speaker D: And don't waste your time judging yourself, judging how you dealt with it. [00:06:36] Speaker E: I love that. [00:06:37] Speaker G: Yeah. [00:06:38] Speaker D: It contributed to who you are today, and it'll continue to make you grow moving forward as long as you're able to move forward instead of staying stuck in it. Because he does have that cloak over, so he's not proud, you know what I mean? And he is kind of hiding himself. But it's okay. In the end, he's not hiding himself anymore. So you don't have to be ashamed, I guess, whatever you've done. [00:07:00] Speaker G: My God. Yeah. [00:07:01] Speaker E: My word was going to be ashamed. I've been swimming and ashamed, so that's perfect. [00:07:05] Speaker G: Yeah. [00:07:06] Speaker F: So it's telling you it and ego are battling. [00:07:14] Speaker E: They sure are. [00:07:15] Speaker H: Yeah. [00:07:16] Speaker G: That's perfect. I love it. [00:07:17] Speaker D: So do you feel like it was relevant? Helpful? Insightful? [00:07:21] Speaker E: Relevant. I can do a post in an interruption or something so that you can do someone else. Otherwise it's going to be me rattling on. [00:07:28] Speaker D: Oh, cool though. That would be cool. [00:07:30] Speaker E: Peekaboo reveal of what I was okay, great. Focusing on yeah. What you thought about or interruption and. [00:07:35] Speaker D: How you really feel. You could all be like, it's fine. [00:07:37] Speaker G: Yeah, good. [00:07:37] Speaker D: And then in your interruption, you'd be like, that was garbage. She doesn't know what she's talking about. [00:07:42] Speaker E: Fine. [00:07:42] Speaker G: Whatever. [00:07:43] Speaker E: KJ, thanks for that. [00:07:44] Speaker I: Thanks. Yeah. [00:07:47] Speaker G: No, I love it. [00:07:48] Speaker D: Okay, great. It's going back in the deck. [00:07:51] Speaker C: Who's go next? [00:07:52] Speaker D: Ashley? [00:07:53] Speaker F: Yeah, I can go. [00:07:55] Speaker D: So think about what you want to think about. We already know the tarot is going to tell you whatever you need to know anyway. So when you're ready, just tell me to stop and I'll take the deck or the card that's on the top at that. The card just flew out. [00:08:08] Speaker F: I'll take that one. [00:08:09] Speaker D: That's your card? [00:08:10] Speaker F: That's my card, yes. [00:08:12] Speaker G: Okay. You're going to be so excited. Okay. [00:08:16] Speaker D: Because of I can't even remember what we were talking about, but, like, whatever we were formerly talking about. [00:08:20] Speaker H: Were you talking about monarch butterflies? [00:08:22] Speaker F: That's what I was thinking about when she told me to think about something. [00:08:26] Speaker D: So it's the Ace of cups. [00:08:28] Speaker F: Okay. [00:08:29] Speaker D: That's about a new relationship, but it's also so new that you don't even know what it is. It's hard for me to verbalize it with the Ace of Cups. With the Ace of Wands, the way that it shows up, that's like a new adventure or a new idea with the wands. If it's an Ace energy, it's like a general sense of dissatisfaction. Like you're not even sure what's bugging you or what needs to change or what you're going to do. It's incoming kind of thing. And that's the same thing with the Ace, right? Because it's an Ace, you need it to be a two in order for the energy to double. And then a focus is determined, so there's no focus yet. It's usually a new relationship. It's like the birth of something new. So like a creative project, a friendship, a romance, a relationship with yourself. Like you could understand yourself or love yourself in a different way moving forward. Cups is communication, relationships, emotions. So it's all like that water energy. So it's really nice. It's an exciting card. It's the beginning of a cycle. [00:09:32] Speaker F: I need that so bad. [00:09:35] Speaker D: You're going to be like an infant on this journey. [00:09:38] Speaker G: Right? [00:09:38] Speaker D: Like, it's the very beginning. [00:09:40] Speaker F: I love that so much, especially with moving. Are you kidding? That was totally meant for me. [00:09:46] Speaker D: When are you moving? [00:09:48] Speaker F: Okay, I'll say it on the podcast here, and then we fill next time. I'll have an update, if that'll be true or not. I'm hoping may 1. Fingers crossed, though. [00:10:00] Speaker G: We'll see. [00:10:01] Speaker F: I just decided this literally two days ago to make it for May 1, so we'll see. If not June 1. [00:10:09] Speaker G: Okay. Are you trying to move a house or you're moving cities or you're moving countries? [00:10:14] Speaker F: Sorry. I live in Edmonton right now, and I'm trying to move back to Penticton, where Kim lives. So I'm following her. I'm a stalker. I'm obsessed. [00:10:22] Speaker D: I welcome it. Ashley only people. [00:10:29] Speaker G: Yeah. [00:10:30] Speaker F: So I'm looking to move because I feel I need to start something new for myself, not for other people. [00:10:39] Speaker G: Oh, wow. Relationship with the self. [00:10:41] Speaker D: That's cool, because that's what this is like. Feeling like that but not really knowing. How is this new? [00:10:47] Speaker F: What's new about and that just flew out, too. [00:10:49] Speaker G: Yes. [00:10:50] Speaker D: I was shuffling and it flopped out. I was like, we'll keep this card out. But then you were like, no, I'm taking it. Do you have a place? Because I feel like that's the problem. [00:11:00] Speaker F: No, I don't. [00:11:02] Speaker G: But you know enough people. [00:11:04] Speaker F: That's the thing. Because I go back to the reservation, I'll just keep hanging out at people's house. [00:11:11] Speaker D: Yeah, that's not as big of a problem for you as it would be for a brand newbie coming to this. You know what I mean? [00:11:18] Speaker H: Right. [00:11:19] Speaker F: Exactly right. And this past year, I've really focused on living a minimalist lifestyle, so everything I own, except outside of my bed, can fit inside of my car. I'm not really worried. I can sleep in my car. I got a porta potty to go. I'm a nomad. I'll plop a squat in your front yard. [00:11:43] Speaker G: Watch out. [00:11:45] Speaker D: Don't have her over. [00:11:46] Speaker F: Yeah, you see a silver SUV. That's not leaving. [00:11:50] Speaker G: It's me that's not leaving. [00:11:52] Speaker D: What's this car that's sticking around? [00:11:55] Speaker G: Yeah. [00:11:56] Speaker F: I kind of like going places without having a set thing. Like, just figure it out when it's there. [00:12:02] Speaker D: I love that. [00:12:03] Speaker F: Yeah. [00:12:04] Speaker D: So who is next mayor? [00:12:06] Speaker H: Sure, I'll do it. [00:12:07] Speaker D: Tell me when you're ready for the stopping. Mayor. [00:12:10] Speaker H: Stop. [00:12:12] Speaker D: This is yours. But it was upside down. Ace of pentacles. [00:12:17] Speaker H: Does that mean I'm going to get some money? Because that would be really great. We've had a very expensive couple of months. [00:12:23] Speaker D: It is the beginning of something new like that again. So it could be a project that could come to fruition or it was upside down, though, so it could also mean losing more money. [00:12:43] Speaker G: I almost killed my money plant. So that's not great. [00:12:47] Speaker D: That was foreshadowing. [00:12:48] Speaker G: Yeah. [00:12:49] Speaker D: This isn't good. [00:12:50] Speaker G: I shouldn't have bought that. I don't want to know. [00:12:53] Speaker E: Don't tell me. [00:12:54] Speaker H: I'm bad with money. [00:12:56] Speaker D: But it still is a beginning nonetheless. So this could be saying because it's upside down, don't start something about money right now because it's upside down. It's just like, wait a month. If you have a question about should we do this now? And you even said it's already been a hard I've been spending too much lately. I'd like to have some now instead of spending it. This card could be saying if there's something else you're considering, is that worth spending money on this time or right now? Maybe wait, maybe reconsider, maybe double check? Not definitely no, because it's still the beginning of money and stuff and whatever, but because it's upside down, it really might be like, don't do it until summer or whatever. Or winter. I don't know. The timeline might be that would be reasonable for doing and waiting to do at a different time. That's kind of what this means to me. Aces are kind of hard because they are a whiff of an idea. Like, they're not even a full idea, but it's about stuff, money, work. Like, should I take that job? Because maybe you are feeling like that like, I've spent too much money. Maybe I should pick up that temporary position or that contract. It might be like, no, don't do it right now. You might feel the push to do it, but don't. [00:14:10] Speaker H: That's totally what would happen if somebody offered me a position. [00:14:13] Speaker D: I'd be like, maybe considering if you're feeling in a position where more is going out than coming in than you would like, then you might go, well, that's easy. I'll just pick up whatever. If it's like this, then it's at least calling you to assess caution, right? [00:14:29] Speaker G: Yeah. [00:14:29] Speaker D: You're like, okay, I could get more money, but also that it's like, but then I'd have less time, and maybe that is more important at this time, right? Because I wasn't thinking about money. [00:14:38] Speaker H: I was thinking about my health. [00:14:39] Speaker G: So that's interesting. [00:14:41] Speaker H: In the context of health, don't worry about the money. Don't start a new project for money if you're worried about your health. [00:14:47] Speaker G: Right. [00:14:48] Speaker D: That's valid. Totally valid. And also, while it's about stuff like your house, your job, your whatever, it's also about self worth when you tie it in there, too. Could make you not self worth. Sounds a little bit too extreme. It could make you take a job. Right, because I'm not doing enough. Or who am I? Where's my identity? Like, a lot of people tie their piece of who they are to what they do. [00:15:09] Speaker H: Yeah, I totally do that. [00:15:10] Speaker D: Okay, great. [00:15:11] Speaker G: Don. Easy peasy. [00:15:13] Speaker H: Hey, look, we're blowing through these. [00:15:15] Speaker B: This interruption is brought to you by unpublished do you want to know more about the members in Book Interrupted? Go behind the scenes. Visit our website at [00:15:28] Speaker G: Book interrupted. [00:15:30] Speaker I: Hey, everybody. So another interruption, which I feel absolutely fine sharing with you guys and the world, because the more places I'm accountable, the better it is. Is that in reference to the off the shelf where KJ pulled tarot cards and I got the upside down five of pentacles? The thought I was holding in my head, concerned, working through what I've been working through for a short time now, is my sobriety. You may or may not know that I am sober now, and I'm in a certain anonymous program, and I'm working with the sponsor, and I'm in the really infantile stages of doing that work, and it is incredibly challenging. And not having alcohol to lean on, which I've been leaning on quite heavily for the last few years, has brought a lot of emotions to the surface because I was drowning them in booze. So sadly, those days are over for me. Or happily, those days are over for me. It's been really hard, but the pentacles one really made me feel good that it was at five at least. I'm halfway through there, and certainly my self worth, which came up in the reading, something I've been really processing. I've been feeling a lot of shame. I've been feeling a lot of self worth just in the way I have taken care of myself or lack of taking care of myself. That really rang true to me. I'm hoping that, like, the card kind of ends up in the ten of pentacles, that it'll all come to a good fruition, and the journey will be worth the juice will be worth the squeeze. That's all I got to say about that. [00:17:19] Speaker C: Bye, guys. [00:17:20] Speaker G: Book Interrupted. [00:17:22] Speaker C: So, Schwaites, do you want to go or no, we've got time. [00:17:26] Speaker G: If you have time. Okay, let's do it. [00:17:27] Speaker D: Let's do it. [00:17:28] Speaker G: Okay, fine. [00:17:29] Speaker D: I am shuffling. You tell me. [00:17:31] Speaker G: Wait, I got to think of something. Okay, let me think of that's. Okay. [00:17:34] Speaker D: You don't even have to think of anything. You can literally be like, what do I need to know? [00:17:37] Speaker E: And okay, all right, stop. [00:17:41] Speaker D: Okay, see the ten of pentacles. So this is where that Leah card is going to end up, just so you know. So that shameful, man, that's running away in the night eventually gets it all. So this is really great for you. Twice. [00:17:54] Speaker G: Hey. Amazing. Get it all. Finally. [00:17:58] Speaker D: So ten of pentacles. I mean, this just makes sense with what you already revealed. [00:18:02] Speaker C: You just got the promotion. [00:18:03] Speaker E: Yeah, that makes so much sense with. [00:18:06] Speaker D: Your career journey, dude. [00:18:08] Speaker G: Yes. [00:18:10] Speaker D: Your hard work has paid off. This is, like, symbolic of stability. It's more stable. [00:18:16] Speaker E: You're going to get a small yellow horse. [00:18:18] Speaker G: Yeah, I really want one. [00:18:24] Speaker D: This guy's, like, supporting his family, you know what I mean? Like, he's finally accomplished it's. Like, stability is really kind of the key word for the ten of pentacles. It's the end of a cycle. All the hard work and effort you've put in your exams, all the knowledge you've gained, like, it's brought you to this point. It's great. You can celebrate. You have enough money. This also is because this is the end. Like, check, done. It does mean a new beginning is, like, right around the corner. So hopefully you enjoy your promotion for a while before you go looking at the next thing or whatever. But yeah, that's basically what this is all about. Literally. The fruits of his labor are there. [00:19:05] Speaker G: Right? I was originally thinking job, and I was like, oh, I should ask about the job. And I was like, no, I don't want to ask because I don't want to know. [00:19:11] Speaker H: I wanted to be celebrated. [00:19:13] Speaker G: You want to celebrate? Yeah. And I was like, if she says something bad that I'm docket of want to associate it with work, this doesn't. [00:19:20] Speaker D: Seem like bad for work at all. This seems like really happy, stable, supported completion. Like, you're proud, you earned it. Celebrate about it. It's a cause for celebration because you did it. You know what I mean? It's like that it's accomplishment, all of that. [00:19:34] Speaker G: So good for you. [00:19:36] Speaker F: Super exciting one. [00:19:38] Speaker C: Awesome. [00:19:40] Speaker G: Thanks. I'm glad I told you to pick a card. I also like that we did the. [00:19:44] Speaker H: Pentacle story kind of in, like, short form. [00:19:47] Speaker G: Yes. Right? [00:19:48] Speaker D: We got an ace, a five, and a ten. [00:19:50] Speaker G: There you go. [00:19:51] Speaker D: Highlight reel of the pentacles. [00:19:53] Speaker I: The highlight reel? [00:19:54] Speaker G: Yeah. [00:19:55] Speaker H: Awesome. Now, Sarah, you need a major arcana or you need a cup. Sarah so all right, on that, she's. [00:20:02] Speaker D: Going to get, like, a major arcana. [00:20:04] Speaker G: A moon her favorite card. Okay, stop. Here's the problem. She was thinking about the moon. She's trying not to think about the moon page. [00:20:16] Speaker D: It's the hanged man. [00:20:19] Speaker G: What does that mean? Oh, God. [00:20:22] Speaker D: It's like voluntary sacrifice is the key words of this card. It's the story of prometheus and so what Prometheus did was he stole fire from the gods and gave it to man, and then the rest of the gods were really mad about it because I guess that was something that helped keep gods at god status. And so they punished him. And his sentence was to hang on the side of that mountain and have his insides eaten out, I think, by an eagle. Every day he would lie there, and then a bird would come and eat out his intestines and liver and everything, and then every night it would regenerate so that it could just happen again the next day. [00:21:04] Speaker E: Sounds awesome. [00:21:05] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:21:07] Speaker E: Oh, God. [00:21:09] Speaker D: Part of it, though, is worth it. You know what I mean? Like, it's worth the struggle. And this is a major arcana card, so, like, where everybody else got minor arcana cards, which appear as one out of a series of one to ten, like a deck of cards, and the one to the ten, as we saw with the pentacles, tells us a complete story. The whole story is in this card. They're usually pretty meaningful. They carry more weight in the Tarot than just the minors. Another thing that I remember about this card is that it's got some opposite energy to it, too. Whatever you're going for, don't go for it in the way you normally would. And the example they use is like, oh, you want to really ask that person out on a date? They're more likely to go out on you. Go out, they're more likely to go down on you. They're more likely to go out with you if you don't ask them. But it's like, opposite like that. You assume the easiest, most logical way to get from A to B, if it's that date situation, is just to ask the person. But the Hanged man is kind of like, no, don't do that. Wait, I guess delay your gratification. Again, the keyword is voluntary sacrifice. So it is worth it. But also, it may not feel like it. There could be questioning, like, what am I doing hanging around here every day getting my liver eaten? So but in the end, Prometheus is released. [00:22:38] Speaker C: Yeah, he's released eventually, and it was all worth it. [00:22:41] Speaker F: And maybe he can eat something else. [00:22:46] Speaker C: And he's, like, celebrated as a god by the people for giving him fire, and it was all worth it. But yeah, that cart's just like, patience, too. [00:22:55] Speaker D: Yeah, just wait it out. [00:22:56] Speaker F: Yeah, that cart gives me mom vibes. Like how moms give everything to their kid, to their household. They give it all, and then every night they go to bed, they replenish, and it happens again. But then I assume being a mom, you're like, damn, that was worth it. [00:23:15] Speaker G: I hope so. They turned out to be nice. Great. [00:23:20] Speaker C: It's kind of like that when I read the 4% Fix on the last episode, how I read. Put your oxygen mask on first and plan and strategize and whatever. It'll be all good. [00:23:31] Speaker F: Yeah. [00:23:32] Speaker C: Put your oxygen mask on first and wait it out. [00:23:35] Speaker D: I still feel like that's a key, too, actually, because while I keep on saying voluntary sacrifice, I feel like there's something to be said for prometheus never dies. He always just has that painful experience. And then in concert with the put your oxygen mask on first, I would say, like, caution about sacrificing yourself to the point of actually dying. You know what mean? Like, I feel that. So that's not a traditional interpretation of this card, but like I said, with what you opened the book to and that you are a mom and that you would be a personality who might sacrifice yourself away completely. [00:24:16] Speaker H: I like how you said personality. You're a person. [00:24:20] Speaker E: Got all that. [00:24:21] Speaker H: You're a person first, but then your allity is so bad. [00:24:26] Speaker D: So I would say that that's something to be thought about, too, with this card. Yeah. Be patient. But also it's okay to steal some time for yourself when the Eagles know this is relevant. [00:24:39] Speaker C: Recently, I locked myself in my bedroom because they wouldn't listen that I needed. [00:24:43] Speaker G: Space, and I felt bad. [00:24:44] Speaker C: So it was like a lesson being like, it's okay, I can do that, and they're fine, and they got the message, like, I need space, and you're not listening. [00:24:54] Speaker G: Yeah. [00:24:54] Speaker E: You're teaching them to respect boundaries. [00:24:57] Speaker G: Yeah. [00:24:58] Speaker E: You're doing them a favor and teaching them that it's okay to need space, which is hard. [00:25:04] Speaker G: Yeah. [00:25:04] Speaker E: It's a really hard thing for everybody. [00:25:06] Speaker H: It's hard for everyone. [00:25:07] Speaker G: Yeah. [00:25:07] Speaker E: Got to get yourself some soundproof headphones. [00:25:12] Speaker C: Anyway, so I could see all that. I'll study math first. [00:25:15] Speaker E: To remember myself to do that and. [00:25:17] Speaker H: Wait it out patient. [00:25:18] Speaker C: It's going to be all worth it. [00:25:21] Speaker G: Good. Is Kim going to choose a quick card for herself or is no. [00:25:28] Speaker F: Do it real quick. [00:25:30] Speaker D: I'm stuck on the last conversation. I can't sign off on the fact that it's okay. Can't be like, yeah, good. [00:25:36] Speaker G: Yep. [00:25:36] Speaker E: Kim it's because we only have one. Maybe that's what I figured. I don't know. [00:25:42] Speaker D: It's a totally common occurrence that people that have more than one kid do. Then they often lock themselves away. [00:25:46] Speaker G: Yeah. [00:25:47] Speaker E: I don't know. Because there's three times the amount of needs. I don't know. [00:25:50] Speaker D: Maybe, but I don't love it. [00:25:53] Speaker E: They're never going to learn boundaries if you can't learn boundaries. [00:25:56] Speaker G: I guess. [00:25:56] Speaker H: I think partially, too. Like, Sarah works at home by when I worked away, I got my alone time driving to work and driving home from work, and so I got at. [00:26:07] Speaker E: The risk of insulting you, Sarah, you do always do for other you don't often put your oxygen mask on first. [00:26:14] Speaker D: Is my I love that. That's an insult. You're so kind. [00:26:17] Speaker E: That's kind. No, I don't think it is. It's I don't know what it is. [00:26:25] Speaker H: But it just is. [00:26:28] Speaker G: Yeah. [00:26:28] Speaker H: You got to take care of you. [00:26:31] Speaker G: Boo. Yeah. [00:26:32] Speaker D: And it's sad because she's like, I'm. [00:26:33] Speaker H: Trying to that's why I'm in this. [00:26:34] Speaker E: Fucking all you can do is lock yourself in. Then I guess that's the way to go. [00:26:39] Speaker G: Don't feel bad about that little fuck. [00:26:41] Speaker H: Or sometimes I like, kids are in the car when they're doing their screaming and stuff. I'll just pull over somewhere safe and just step outside of the car and try to tune it out for a bit and get my patience back. [00:26:51] Speaker G: If I'm honest, I've been doing a. [00:26:53] Speaker E: Ton of pillow screaming, and then now Max does pillow screaming, and it's super awesome because she's feeling an emotion. [00:27:03] Speaker G: Then. [00:27:03] Speaker E: Now she goes to a pillow and screams into pillow, and she moves through the emotion, because anger is an acceptable emotion. [00:27:09] Speaker F: And she gets it out of her body. That's processing. [00:27:11] Speaker H: You get it out of your body, move it through. [00:27:13] Speaker G: So, I mean, if you got to. [00:27:15] Speaker E: Lock the door, you got to lock the door. [00:27:17] Speaker G: You lock that shit. [00:27:19] Speaker F: Are all of you parents? [00:27:20] Speaker G: Not all of us. Not me. Everybody else. [00:27:24] Speaker F: I was going to say being a parent, just even listening to you guys or watching it on TV props, because I can barely survive with my. [00:27:37] Speaker G: Just. [00:27:37] Speaker F: I have no idea how you guys do it. [00:27:40] Speaker G: All of it. [00:27:41] Speaker E: I feel sad, Sarah. That makes me just feel sad. But I think you're doing a really good job. In case nobody remembered to tell you, you're doing a really good job. [00:27:48] Speaker H: Yeah. [00:27:49] Speaker D: I don't mean to make you feel bad, but I just don't also feel okay. Not saying that either. [00:27:56] Speaker C: The difference is, last week, one of my kids didn't go to school, so I had no yeah, home the whole time. [00:28:03] Speaker H: Yeah, that's hard. [00:28:04] Speaker E: But I just find boundaries in general with loved ones is so challenging all the time. Being loving, but not too harsh. But yeah. Protecting yourself, but not it's so messy. [00:28:16] Speaker H: Especially when you have young kids who need co regulation. Because when you're having a hard day, you're dysregulated barely, and they pick up on that, and so they become more dysregulated, and so they want you to help them regulate, and then so they need you more, and you're like, I need me more. And so it's a conflict where you have to either lock yourself in a room for a little bit, regroup, and. [00:28:37] Speaker G: They go back out and help them out. [00:28:40] Speaker H: I don't know. [00:28:40] Speaker G: I feel like that with my staff. So there you go. And they're all adults. So the minute I'm dysregulated, they're all like, Lindsay, Lindsay, I need you. And you're like, all right, calm down. [00:28:52] Speaker H: I'm going to go in the pantry. [00:28:53] Speaker D: And take a couple deep breaths, and. [00:28:55] Speaker G: I'll be out in a second. I've done that. Gone for a walk around the building and come back. I was like, I cannot deal with you all right now. [00:29:02] Speaker D: It's not just children. Don't worry. [00:29:04] Speaker G: Okay, well. [00:29:06] Speaker E: It was so good seeing you guys. It was so good meeting you. Ashley. [00:29:09] Speaker F: It was so nice meeting you. [00:29:10] Speaker G: And, Lindsay, so nice. [00:29:13] Speaker E: And thanks for reading the cards, Kim. [00:29:16] Speaker C: Yeah, I appreciate it. [00:29:18] Speaker F: Yeah, they fit so well with everyone. And it even kind of brought back to conversations we had during when dad killed mom, which was cool. [00:29:28] Speaker G: I loved, right? [00:29:29] Speaker C: All right. [00:29:30] Speaker G: Thanks, Kim. [00:29:30] Speaker B: Thank you for joining us on this episode of Book Interrupted. If you'd like to see the video highlights from this episode, please go to our YouTube channel, Book Interrupted. You can also find our videos on [00:29:46] Speaker H: Are you interested in joining the conversation and having your comment played on the podcast? Simply find a quiet place and record a voice memo. Then send it to [email protected]. Or you could do it the old fashioned way and leave us a voicemail at 416-900-8603. We look forward to hearing from you soon. [00:30:07] Speaker B: Moments you can look forward to on the next Book Interrupted. [00:30:10] Speaker E: We are talking about the book The Hunger Games. [00:30:13] Speaker D: Haymitch is encouraging the fake relationship. He sexualizes her and Leah's with Jennifer Lawrence, so hence she thinks she's so amazing. [00:30:22] Speaker G: Yeah. [00:30:23] Speaker H: I would kiss somebody to survive, though. [00:30:25] Speaker G: So I could do that. [00:30:25] Speaker H: I got that part down. [00:30:27] Speaker C: These rich countries that get to be gluttonous with food and resources and power and electricity. [00:30:33] Speaker E: It just feels so wrong to read a book after you've seen the movies. [00:30:37] Speaker F: I think I would die still. [00:30:39] Speaker G: But book interrupted. [00:30:44] Speaker A: Never forget every child matters.

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